Friday, June 29, 2012
Day 2 of the 30 day Queen Challenge!
Ok. Who ever invented this challenge is obviously a Queen fan. And they should obviously know that it is physically impossible as a queen fan to pick a favorite song. So I am not going to. One song that I am especially loving at the moment (among many others) is '39. I downloaded the live version about a week ago and have probably played it 50 times (NOT exaggerating). But this will change and I listen to many others. I go through Queen phases. What can I say.
Also, lately I have been obsessseeddd with Queen gifs. I think I might put one in each one of these posts, how does that sound?
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Queen 30 Day Challenge!!!
So day 1 asks: who is your favorite member?
My favorite member is definitely Roger Taylor. He plays the drums and sang backup. He also sang lead on a few songs, they happen to be some of my favorite. I just love his voice. He usually sings all of the super falsetto notes having a raspy and "dog whistle" (as Freddie calls it) voice. He is sooo sexy! I think he was so cute and funny and I wish I was born in his time so I could marry him!!!
Friday, June 15, 2012
19 random facts!
Hey guys, wasssuppp! I am going to try and blog more often. I'm gonna challenge myself fo realzzz. Lately I have just completely forgotten that I even had a blog! smh. Wow. I didn't think I would ever, ever use that saying. It took me forever to realize what it meant. I had to google it. And if you don't know, it means shaking my head..I think. Well let's just get into this random facts tag, why don't we!
Fact numero uno:
I love painting. Like I adore it. Especially portraits of some of my favorite people. And I don't want to sound conceded, but I think I'm pretty good. If you want I can do a post on some of my *best* paintings.
I listen to ollld music. Not 50's old, but I luuubbbb me some 60's and 70's classic rock and roll. One thing I am obsessed with at the moment (and the past few months) is queen. I am literally ooobbbssseesssseeed. People close to me are starting to get worried.
My best friend is a cat. Ok, well he isn't my best friend, but he is pretty darn close. If you want more info on this, I have 2 blog posts dedicated to my ferocious feline.
I had braces for a couple of years. Not a very interesting fact and pretty self- explanatory.
I have neophobia(fear of trying new things). But the food version. If you have seen that show on tlc, something about extreme picky eaters, that's me. I really should be on that show. I have been eating the same few foods for as far as I can remember. I could probably name no more that 30 things that I eat.
I was in a golf cart accident last summer. I wasn't driving, my friend was. Long story short, my leg was completely ripped up from dirt road rash and the cart landed on top of me. Not a fun vacation whatsoever.
I am a nail polish hoarder. Nuff' said.
I am trying to grow out my short hair a la momento.
I tried painting my room and ended up ruining a wall. Luckily it is getting fixed tomorrow!!
I cannot manage to keep my room clean. But I try!
11. Holy crap, this is difficult coming up with 19! I am only on 11 and I am already having to rack my brain! ok, ummmm, I get my hair dyed alot. I guess that's a fact.
I am going to my first concert next week. And its QUUUUEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used to have a fish named Marky Mark. He died the day after I got him. So the next day I got a new one, also named Marky Mark. He died a week later.
Beloved Marky Mark the first. I didn't like the second one as much:( |
I own far to many bath and body works products.
15. I have picture frames all around my room with the original picture that came with it inside of the frame. It's kind of an inside joke between me and my friends.
I have a thing for tall white guys with scruff ;o" *ME WANT ONE:(
I enter lots of contests with prize cashes. Hey, who knows, I could win!
I have to have every light turned on in my room to work efficiently.
Last, and least, I have to lame, younger brothers names Truitt and Will.
Hope you all enjoyed this looooonnng tag! You do not understand how difficult this was for me!!
And to end this post, I decided to add this funny picture of myself:) hope you enjoyed!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
My first jelly sandwich!!!!!!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Notd: opi sanguine
Monday, January 16, 2012
NOTD: Opi Cha- Ching Cherry!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Top 11 of 2011 tag!
1. Revlon Colorstay Foundation
Now, let me just say, I am not actually using this foundation at the moment and haven't been for a few months, but this is the foundation I used most of the year. It has great coverage and stays alll day!
2. Mac MSF in Porcelein Pink
This is my favorite highlight! i LOVE it! It is just so sparkly and pretty and pink:) I love it.
3. Urban Decay Primer Potion
Nothing to say. It is amazing!
4.Mac Eyeshadow in Naked Lunch
It is just such a universal shade. It is a great lid color and a highlight color. It is just the most gorgeous light peachy pink.
5. Mac Perrenial High Style Lipglass
I have mostly used this near the end of the year but I have used it every day pretty much. It is a gorgeous peachy coral pink gloss with no shimmer and it is just so pretty. Plus, it stays on pretty good for a lipgloss.
6. Mac lipstick in cremecup
It is just a good everyday lipstick. Its a nice pink, but honestly I didnt really use 2 lip products all year. I just put this in because I like it.
7. Redken smooth down heat glide
This is my only hair product that I used all year. ILOVEIT!!!!! It makes my hair so silky, straighter, and it protects it. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!
8. I don't really have another one but I am just gonna say Aussie catch the wave hairspray.
9. Orly one night stand nail polish
It is a gorgeous red on my skin tone. So pretty!
10. Seche vete top coat.
It keeps my nail polish on and keeps it from chipping. Buuut it can tend to make your nail polish peel off sometimes.
11. My custom mac palette
I guess this is kind of cheating, but whatever, its in a palette. I use my mac palette all of the time and I love it so much. Although I use both of my naked palettes all the time, I use my mac shadows more:)
So yeah, I hope you enjoyed this post. BYE:)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
My 2012 New Year Resolutions!
1. I want to save up money for LA imats in june. I have never been to imats and I am sooooo excited!!! I am going with my madre but honestly, I don't think she is going to pay for anything. I even have to buy my plane ticket. And right now, my wallet is holding $10 and a target gift card with nothing on it. So I want to try and not spend annny money until imats. I am going to try and get at least $600-$700 to spend at the place alone. This is going to be challenging. But I have a babysitting job today!
2. Make at least 3 videos a week. This cannot get started until I find my camera cord! I cannot find it!! ahhh!!!!
3. Finish my room up and keep it clean. So I like to think that I am organized, which I kind of am, but I am also very lazy and for some reason cannot get the concept of picking things up when I am done through my head. I also want to finish decorating it. I am coming close, I will be painting my room next weekend so you will probably see a post on it:) So yeah.
So yeah, those are my main resolutions, I didn't want too many because then you just kind of forget about some of them. I hope you enjoyed this post and please subscribe!
Friday, January 6, 2012
My Favorite Scents
1. Vera Wang Princess (original)
This is one of my favorite perfumes. I love it! It's soft enough to wear everyday, but also good for a night out. I don't know. I just love it. Here is what the description is:The scent sparkles with the captivating, sweet, tart aroma of delicate lady apples and the coveted tahitian tiare flower and finishes with a tasty vanilla chiffon - a treat fit for royalty!
2. Bath and Body works Coconut Lime Verbana
I'm am gonna go ahead and say it. This is my all time favorite scent. Ever. Ever. It's true. This is my go to scent. I freaking loooove it. If you don't like coconut you won't though. It's very summery but I love it all year round. Here is the description: WHAT!!! IT'S DISCONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I AM FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW! SORRY GUYS, DON'T HAVE A SCENT DESCRIPTION! MUST! CHECK! EBAY!
3. Ok guys, I think I'm done. I am seriously freaking out here. But my last scent is Bath and body works candle (slatkin and co) in homemade cookies. If anything, this is my favorite of the moment. It is actually burning right now. It's almost done and I am going to have to quickly buy a new one. It basically smells like buttery, chocolate, vanillay cookies. If you don't like baking scents don't buy it.
So yeah, I hope you enjoyed this post! Bye!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
More pics of mischa!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012
FOTD: Coral Summery look (Inspired by temptalia)
So, I hope you guys enjoyed the post, keep posted for more!
Monday, January 2, 2012
My Cat Mischa (The furry friend tag)

I don't want to tell you too too much before the tag so here goes.
1. What is your pets name?
My pets name is Mischa. It is kind of girly, and he is a boy, but when we first got him the shelter told us he was a girl, so I named him Mischa, but whatever, I don't think he minds.
2.What kind of pet is he and what breed?
Mischa is a cat. Obviously. And he is a tabby, siamese mix. We got him at the shelter and he was with his mother and siblings. His mother was a tabby cat.
3.How long have you had your pet friend?
I have had him since July I think, maybe some of june. He was about 6 or 7 weeks old when we got him if that tells you anything.
4. How did you get your pet?ok, this is going to sound pathetic. But I do not tell a lie. I cried for him. Well, not HIM, but a different kitten. One day, I was shopping and running errands with my mother. We went to michaels and next door was a petsmart. I went inside and fell IN LOVE with a small flame point siamese kitten. My mother said no and I started crying. Yeah yeah I know, sad. So I went home and kept crying. Eventually it worked. We went to the animal shelter the next day and picked him out. He was the first of his siblings that I held and I fell in love. I almost got an orange tabby kitten, but when I came back in to show the employee my little orange boy, I turned my head to the right where I hadn't even looked. There was a whole family of kittens and there mother staring at me. So that was a long dragged out version of how I got him.
5. How old is your pet?
Mischa is about 7 1/2 months old.
6.What are some quirky things about your pet?
Mischa loves my dog sam. Sam is our chocolate lab. We have two other dogs (neither of which like mischa one bit) but Samantha is his lover. Or his mother. He loves cuddling up with her and it is sooo cute. Also he loves little reflections of light on the ceiling. He will sit and stare at them for hours. I dont know if all cats do this though, I haven't had one in years.
7.What does your relation with your pet mean?
Our relationship is love. He is my pet. I have never had a pet all my own (Other than fish, which I am actually planning on getting a new one soon!). He is the pet that I will live with when I am on my own in the next couple of years. It's just unreal. He will be with me for years and it just tickles my stomach. I love him so much and I HOPE he loves me. lol.
8. What are some of your favorite past times with your pet?
He likes sleeping. Alot. He sleeps most of the day soo. yeah. haha. But he loves playing with toys and watching tv with me.
9.What are nicknames that you call your pet?
I call him Mischa, Kitty, Cat, but mostly Kitty. Also me and my dad call him dumb cat. But we do that to all of our animals, dumb cat, dumb dog, dumb fish, idk, we just do. haha